A Key Tactic to Increase Your Email Marketing Open Rates by 8.7%

A Key Tactic to Increase Your Email Marketing Open Rates by 8.7%

    Opens is one important email metric to look at but clicks, unsubscribes and abuse complaints are equally important. ...

A Key Tactic to Increase Your Email Marketing Open Rates by 8.7%



Opens is one important email metric to look at but clicks, unsubscribes and abuse complaints are equally important.  Attrition from unsubscribes and abuse complaints should be watched, as abuse complaints can severely impact your deliverability.

In the study, the opens from the resend campaign were measured as if they added to the opens from the original campaign to show the real impact of the resend campaign.

Should you change the subject line on a resend?

The charts below show the additional opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and abuse complaints for resend campaigns sent with the same subject line verses testing a new subject line:

The new subject line test for resends saw fewer opens and more abuse complaints than the same subject line. The difference in click rates and unsubscribe rates was minimal, so it is best to keep the subject line you used the first time.

Should you change the From Name on a resend?

The data below suggests that changing the visible From Name does increase opens, but it decreases clicks and substantially increases unsubscribes and abuse complaints. It is best to keep your visible From Name the same. You may get more clients and prospects to open the email, but you probably will not get them to engage with the email in a positive way.

Resending a campaign can be a powerful way to get more opens and clicks on email marketing campaigns, but it comes with risks. According to the data, you can minimize the risks by keeping your subject line and From Name the same. If you’re honest and straightforward about who you are and why you’re sending an email, there is a better chance of getting your target market to engage with you.

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