Lead generation Services : Providing Best Lead generation strategies

Lead Generation

Lead Generation If you ask marketers their biggest challenge, more than half will tell you that generating traffic and leads...

Lead Generation

If you ask marketers their biggest challenge, more than half will tell you that generating traffic and leads holds the top spot.

Lead generation is the process of collecting information on prospects for your company, usually in exchange for information, content, or special values like discounts—not that easy to do in our skeptical age of robocalls and scams both in the mail and online. Fortunately, as an agency with decades of experience, we at GRI know the ropes for creating effective lead generating programs and guiding our clients around pitfalls that other less experienced agencies can’t.

The simple truth is without a good lead generation program, your sales will plummet. Every business needs to invest in lead nurturing that produces an ongoing supply of leads. At GRI, we focus on not just leads, but qualified leads: that is, leads that are likely to turn into paying customers for your particular product or service.

We put together lead generating campaigns that are targeted to prospects who need or want or use what you’re selling. (That may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised at the number of lead generating campaigns that don’t follow that fundamental principle.)

The Buyers Pipeline

There are multiple offline and online channels to reach prospects today, from telephone and direct mail to email and social media. At GRI, our goals are to select the best combination of channels and tailor a strategy that uses them effectively for your business.

As this illustration shows, there are four parts to the buyers pipeline:

First: You’ve got to get the attention of prospects or attract them, whether they be strangers unaware of your product or service, or visitors who may have a passing familiarity with you or who may just be curious about what you sell.

Second: You’ve got to take that initial interest and see whether it pays to convert it into a qualified lead.

Third: The real value of a qualified lead is when you take the next step, close the deal, and turn them into a paying customer.

Fourth: An often-overlooked step by some salespeople involves taking customers who have had a good experience with you, or have been delighted, and turning them into promoters of your company. (Think of them as brand ambassadors.) In effect, they become extensions of your sales force.

While we’ve broken out these four stages separately, they are all part of a process where each stage complements the others. One way to make the lead generating process work efficiently is to run what’s known as a drip campaign.

Quite simply, a drip campaign is a series of contacts or messaging sent automatically at different times in the customer experience cycle. The contacts are typically emails, but can also be items such as your company newsletter or posts from your company blog. The contacts are set up in advance and are sent automatically when an action is triggered. For example, the customer could get an automated email thanking them every time they make a purchase. Drip campaigns are an easy, effective way for lead nurturing that reinforces the relationship with your customer or prospect throughout their lifecycle.

As you can see from the illustration, there are different channels to help you successfully execute and fulfill each stage in the buyers pipeline, which our GRI team can manage for you.

Define Your Buyer Persona

A key element to creating a targeted lead generation campaign is to come up with a clear picture of who you’re trying to sell. Again, it may seem an obvious thing to do, but many campaigns omit this necessary step.

Put another way: you need to create a buyer persona of your ideal customer. Why? By knowing as much as you can about your prospects, you can tailor a lead generating campaign that speaks to them more clearly…resonates with them more strongly…touches them more deeply, compared to a generalized, untargeted campaign.

GRI is expert at defining the key characteristics of your best customers. Here are just some things we may consider when building a buyer persona:

  • Gender
  • Income level
  • Education
  • Geography
  • Job Title
  • Career goals
  • Marital Status
  • Number of children
  • Whether they own or rent
  • and many more

Depending on the product or service being marketed and sold, the team at GRI can go as deep as necessary to learn all that we can in order to come up with the strongest lead generation campaign.


Attract Prospects

Before you can make your sales pitch, you’ve got to first attract prospects. Even though there is a lot of noise and distractions competing for prospects’ attention, the team at GRI has experience and knowledge executing this important step using a wide variety of vehicles, such as:

  • Email marketing
  • Google Ads
  • Social media
  • Blogging
  • Direct mail-webdriver package
  • Website

Convert Visitors and Prospects to Leads

After we’ve caught their attention, GRI can move them along the buyer pipeline and transform them from merely curious visitors to qualified leads, through things like:

  • Landing pages
  • Forms
  • Call-to-actions

Close Leads

Getting your prospect to put their money down and make a purchase is what every business obviously wants, and probably the step in the buyers pipeline that is often mismanaged. The team at GRI has helped scores of businesses close those leads using tools such as:

  • Marketing database/CRM
  • Lead nurturing and scoring
  • Workflows

Communicate with Your Customers

As has been said many times before, closing the lead that results in a sale is actually the beginning of the relationship between buyer and company. Now that you’ve fulfilled your buyer’s want through their first purchase, it’s time to get a higher return on your investment by expanding the relationship and making them a customer for life.

In short, you need to regularly communicate with them. GRI can help you set up a dialogue with your customers and start a conversation that will lead to more sales over a long timeframe. Starting that conversation can take different forms, including the use of:

  • Surveys
  • Upsell/cross sell promotions
  • Monitoring social media networks

Important Lead Generation Metrics

Throughout the lead generation process, we at GRI are focused on collecting data and measuring how a campaign is working. By tracking results at important steps along the way, we can quickly and decisively build on what’s working well or fix what’s underperforming. We keep our eye on key indicators, such as:

  • Click through rates
  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per appointment
  • Website traffic
  • Conversation rate
  • ROI

Drawing on real numbers can help us fine tune your lead generating campaign and deliver more value for you every time.

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